“Fishermen boats” by Lucien PERI
Beautiful light in this oil Lucien PERI (Ajaccio 1880 - Paris 1948) , landscape painter of the School of Ajaccio
Beautiful light in this oil Lucien PERI (Ajaccio 1880 - Paris 1948) , landscape painter of the School of Ajaccio
Youth Work ( 70'-80') , tinged with fantasy and eroticism of this great contemporary artist.
Table of Leon Jamin (1872 - 1944) , post-impressionist landscape painter of the Kempen and the Ardennes .
Gemstone Mosaic " reflectantes " Paul Becker (1920-2000) after a cartoon by Jean Cocteau
Beautiful "complete" in the spirit of Art Nouveau Massier but not signed .
Very nice mercury gilt bronze terminal clock with a brown patina mythologic decor
Great dark brown patinated bronze by Antonin Mercié Barbedienne founder XIXth century